This page is for the progress and the press that I am getting from this website.
Getting closer... I met up with former KISS guitarist Bruce Kulick.
That's right Mr. Bruce Kulick himself live in person. A very nice guy. I met him 8/28/12 at the KISS Monster Mini Golf
in Las Vegas. I gave him my information to give to Gene and Paul and I'm sure he called them as soon as I left so I
should be expecting a phone call any minute.
in Las Vegas. I gave him my information to give to Gene and Paul and I'm sure he called them as soon as I left so I
should be expecting a phone call any minute.
My meet up with KISS?
Here's a video of my latest progress in trying to find KISS to trade them my Cadillac High website.
Cadillac High page holders
I've been getting emails asking if I own any other cadillac high websites. The answer is yes. And if you land on one of those
pages you will see one of these page holders.
pages you will see one of these page holders.